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Research Seminar Economics Winter Term 2022/23  

Seminar time is Wednesday at 4.30 p.m. in room US-A 234.


Everybody is welcome.


Prof. Dr. Nicolas Fugger (University of Cologne) gives a talk during the Econ Welcome Ceremony from 19:00 to 19:50.


Prof. Dr. Mathias Hoffmann
Universität Zürich

Cancelled due to illness!

Growing like Germany: Local public debt, local banks, low private investment

A possible alternative date will be announced.


Prof. Dr. Jörg Peters
RWI – Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Essen und Universität Passau

A hard science? Replications and the post-publication discussion culture in economics

Dr. Frank Schlütter
Université Catholique de Louvain

Managing Seller Conduct in Online Marketplaces and Platform Most-Favored Nation Clauses

Dr. Daniel Kamhöfer
Universität Düsseldorf

The Right Timing Matters:
Sensitive Periods in the Formation of Socio-Emotional Skills











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