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Brown Bag Seminar Economics Winter Term 2024/25 

Everybody is welcome.

Seminar hour is wednesday from 2.30 to 4 pm in room US-A 016.

30.10.2024 Konstantinos TheocharopoulosInfluence, Patronage, and Power: Understanding the Dynamics of Elite Collaboration in Electoral Competition
06.11.2024 Muzammil Hussain
Anti-poor and anti-rich: Product-downgrading and the distributional effects of UK inflation in the wake of the Brexit vote
 Alexander Bareis
Destabilizing Effects of Chinese Development Finance in Latin America
 Johanna Blübaum
Impact of Income Inequality on Household Consumption-Based GHG-Emissions in Ecuador at different Levels of Disaggregation
 Ard Uka
A new wave of populism: Explaining the link between a leader’s ideology and the economy
 Lukas Wilzek
Seperate Schools, One School, or Even Joined Classes? Effects of School De-Tracking on School to Work Transition
 Konstantinos Theocharopoulos
Political Budget Cycles in Federal Systems: The Case of India Cancelled!


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