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It is possible to write a Bachelor- or Masterthesis at the Chair of Sercive Development in SMEs and Crafts   

Students being interested in writing a thesis at our chair, should apply at least two months before their desired starting date.
Please send your application to philipp.koehn@uni-siegen.de 

Please attach following documents:
- Letter of motivation (including time frame and research area)
- Curriculum vitae
- Actual transcript of record

Topics and methods for theses

Regarding topics and research questions of your thesis, our chair is openminded for proposals, as long as they address our research fields.
Considering the humboldt educational ideal, students also can support chairs' research efforts with their thesis. This will enhance students to familiarise with the scientific work of the Ph.D. students or the professor, and topics of mutual interest can be found. Thus, we provide a list of chair-related topics for theses in German language and a list of chair-related topics for theses in Englisch language. Please send your first suggestions about the topics with your application. We also recommend to follow our News as specific research topics will be posted there from time to time.                                                                                                                                                                                           our For your thesis you can use the following methods: 1) Systematic literature review; 2) Qualitative research; 3) Quantitative research; 4) Design science research (DSR)

General process

After applying for theses, there will be a first meeting with your responsible supervisor discussing and definig the research topic. Based on this first meeting you will write an exposé (one page) implying the problem / initial situation, the goal of your thesis including a research question, the employed approach / methodology and the expected results. 
Then, there will be a second meeting with your supervisor with the purpose of fixing the title of your thesis, defining the starting date of your thesis and the clarification of formal aspects.  
During writing process, it is possible to arrange up to two consulting appointments with your supervisor. 

General information for theses

All information, templates and a guideline on how to write a scientific work can be found under the following link:

Document folder - How to write a scientific work 
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