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27.09.2023 EVENT: Start-up Hour REVERSE

27.09.2023 | Start:16:00 | Haus der Innovationen, Sandstraße 26, 57072 Siegen

At the  Start-up-Hour REVERSE , the Crafts and SME tandem will be explained, and students will be sought for a specific project. The project involves the development of a smart natural pool assistant. Our guest is  Frederik Grunewald , subproject manager of the Crafts and SME tandem at the University of Siegen.   Frederik Grunewald, also an entrepreneur himself, will introduce the tandem and the project and explain exactly what is to be developed. Subsequently, interested participants will be given a tour of the Fab Lab Siegen, an interdisciplinary (creative) workshop and the birthplace of many start-ups at the University of Siegen.

Further information about the tandem can be found in the press release attached or in this  explanatory video .

Have we piqued your interest in this event? Then register by email and come along. Get there. Network. Acquire skilled workers! 

Hinweise zum Einsatz der Google Suche