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Präsentationen auf begutachteten wissenschaftlichen Konferenzen und Beiträge in begutachteten wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften und Konferenz-Proceedings



      1.    Eventmarketing as a Mean to Arouse Identification of Students with their Universities, in: 15th International Conference on Research in

            Advertising (ICORIA) 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenien (mit Hanna Schramm-Klein, Florian Neus, Gunnar Mau).


2.    The Impact of Multi-Stakeholder Regional Marketing Projects on the Development of Regions within the Tension Field of Ecotourism, in: The Global Eco Asia-Pacific Tourism Conference 2015, Perth, Western Australia, Australien (mit Hanna Schramm-Klein)

3.    The Interplay of Different Constructs on the Success of a Regional Marketing Project and a Touristic Region, in: The 2015 ICBTS International Tourism and Hospitality Research Conference, Las Vegas, USA (mit Hanna Schramm-Klein)

4.    The Interplay of the Success of a Regional Marketing Project, Employee Commitment and Regional Identity, in: The 2015 ICBTS International Tourism and Hospitality Research Conference, Las Vegas, USA (mit Hanna Schramm-Klein)



4.    Evaluating the Impact of Regional Marketing Projects on the Development of Regions from Different Stakeholder Perspectives, in: 4th International Conference on Tourism Research, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia (mit Hanna Schramm-Klein)

6.    The Impact of Regional Marketing Projects on the Development of Regions with Respect to Different Stakeholder Perspectives, in: 2nd International Conference on Hospitality and Tourism Management 2014, Colombo, Sri Lanka (mit Hanna Schramm-Klein)

7.    One Regional Marketing Project, Two and a Half Regions - Evaluating Marketing Activities of Regions with Respect to Different Stakeholder Perspectives, in: Conference on Interregional Place Branding 2014, Lübeck, Germany (mit Hanna Schramm-Klein)


8.    Evaluating Marketing Activities of Regions with Respect to Different Stakeholder Perspectives, in: 4th International Colloquium on Place Brand Management 2013, Aosta, Italy (mit Hanna Schramm-Klein)

9.    Do Regional Marketing Projects Form Regional Image or Is It the Other Way Around? An Analysis of the Direction of Effects, in: Lost in Translation – Marketing in an interconnected world, Proceedings of the 42th EMAC Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, June 4-7, 2013 (mit Hanna Schramm-Klein; Dirk Morschett)


10.   The handling of one's own data on Social Networking Sites - between usage and risks, in: General Online Research 2012, Mannheim, Germany (mit Gunnar Mau, Hanna Schramm-Klein, Sascha Steinmann)



11.   Children's Consumption Decisions - Kinder und Jugendliche als Adressaten von Geschäftspraktiken, in: Forum Wettbewerbsrecht 2011, Wien Austria (mit Gunnar Mau)

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