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Mitarbeiter Hon.-Prof. Esslinger


Mitarbeiter Hon.-Prof. Esslinger

Bernhard Esslinger (bernhard.esslinger@uni-siegen.de)

Professor Cryptology and IT Security
Former head of the CrypTool project (www.cryptool.org), member of the DECRYPT project (https://de-crypt.org/)
Former development head at SAP and former head IT security at Deutsche Bank.
Colleagues and their core areas:
  • Maik Bastian and Josef Matwich: WebAssembly, OpenSSL, cryptanalysis, machine learning (artificial intelligence)
Students interested in cryptology, didactics, UX, and participation in international open-source projects in the area of cryptology are always welcome doing their bachelor and master projects, or their bachelor and master thesis with us.
A selection of some good examples (titles and completed reports) can be found here:
We practice a close relationship to the computer science in faculty IV of University of Siegen and to several chairs at other universities in Germany and abroad.
We are well known for supervising our students with great care but also with high expectations. In participating in open-source projects they learn to deepen and apply the theoretical methods and their knowledge and they experience how modern distributed and agile project work goes on. Most students appreciate that combination - see https://www.meinprof.de/uni/prof/31375.

Abschlussarbeiten und Projekte // Student projects and final theses:
  • Several open projects are available. Please send us an email.
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