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Internationally Connected Digital Classroom Education (ICODICE)

ICODICE designs three courses in the study programs “teacher training” and “Pluralist Economics” at the University of Siegen as internationally connected classrooms. Together with the Indian “Kerala Agricultural University”, ICODICE will develop and teach digital educational methods based on the topics of global inequality, socio-ecological sustainability, and climate justice from perspectives in the Global North and South.

To this end, lecturers from both countries give alternating lectures in summer term courses. In addition to content taken from agricultural topics, ICODICE itself is taught as a method to strengthen the digital skills of future teachers. Tandem teams of German and Indian students collaborate online to give joint presentations. The students are also actively involved in improving the ICODICE teaching concept by co-designing a new course in the second year of the project.


Modules in winter terms serve as a subsequent practical phase. German and Indian students, in cooperation with schools in both countries, jointly apply the method of digital, international classrooms in schools.

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