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Universität Siegen

Lehrstuhl für Betriebswirtschaftslehre insb. Technologiemanagement

Prof. Dr. Ulf Lorenz

Unteres Schloß 3
Universität Siegen
57072 Siegen

© Universitätsbibliothek Siegen



U. Lorenz, J. Wolf - Solving Multistage Quantified Linear Optimization Problems with the Alph-beta nested Benders Decomposition, EURO Journal on Computational Optimization, Springer 2015, S. 1-22
Ch. Schänzle, L. Altherr, T. Ederer, U. Lorenz, P.F. Pelz, -As Good As It Can Be - Ventilation System Design By A Combined Scaling And Discrete Optimization Method, Fan 2015, Lyon


P. F. Pelz, U. Lorenz, G. Ludwig - Besser geht's nicht! - TOR plant das energetisch optimale Fluidsystem, chemie & more (1/2014)

B. Dörig, T. Ederer, P. Hedrich, U. Lorenz, P.F. Pelz, P. Pöttgen - Technical Operations Research (TOR), Exemplified by a Hydrostatic Power Transmission System, 9. IFK – Proceedings Vol.1, Proceeding 2014

T. Ederer, U. Lorenz, M. Metzler, P.F. Pelz, P. Pöttgen - Global System Optimization and Scaling for Turbo Systems and Machines, 15th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery, ISROMAC-15, 24.02.2014 - 28.02.2014, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA



P. F. Pelz, U. Lorenz - Besser geht‘s nicht! - TOR plant das energetisch optimale Fluidsystem,  Delta p, 2013

U. Lorenz, Th. Opfer, J. Wolf - Solution Techniques for Quantified Linear Programs and the Links to Gaming, Computer and Games, 2013: 110-124

T. Ederer, U. Lorenz, T. Opfer - Quantified Combinatorial Optimization, Operations Research, 2013: 121-128


T. Ederer, P. Groche, M. Kraft, S. O. Schmitt, S. Calmano, U. Lorenz  - Control of Uncertainties in Metal Forming by Applications of Higher Flexibility Dimensions, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 104 (2012), 83-93



E. Abele, M. Haydn, T. Hauer, U. Lorenz, T. Ederer - Unsicherheitsoptimierte Prozesskette bei der Bohrungsfeinbearbeitung, wt Werkstatttechnik online, 101 (2011) 730-736

U. Lorenz, T. Ederer, C. Juretzka, T. Opfer, M. Utz, S. Weber -  Maple: Eine Einführung in das Computer-Algebra-System, RRZN, 2011

J. Avemann, S. O. Schmitt, T. Ederer, U. Lorenz, P. Groche - Analysis of Market Demand Parameters for the Evaluation of Flexibility in Forming Technology, Enabling Manufacturing Competitiveness and Economic Sustainability, (2011) 458-463

A. Berger, R. Hoffmann, U. Lorenz, S. Stiller - Online railway delay management: Hardness, simulation and computation, Simulation, 87:7 (2011) 616-629

T. Ederer, U. Lorenz, T. Opfer, J. Wolf - Modelling Games with the help of Quantified Integer Linear Programs, ACG 13, Springer, 2011, Tilburg, Netherlands

T. Ederer, U. Lorenz, A. Martin, J. Wolf - Quantified Linear Programs: A Computational Study, Proceeding ESA 2011, Springer, 2011, 203-214, Saarbrücken, Deutschland

T. Graf, U. Lorenz, M. Platzner, L. Schaefers - Parallel Monte-Carlo Tree Search for HPC Systems, Euro-Par (2), 2011, 365-376

U. Lorenz, P. Pelz - Effiziente Energiewandlung als Optimierungs- und Skalierungsaufgabe, TU forschen, Wissenschaftsmagazin, 1 (2011) 56-63



P. Groche, M. Kraft, S. O. Schmitt, U. Lorenz, S. Pokutta, A. Martin, N, Ziems - Rechnet sich Flexibilität in der Umformtechnik?, wt-Online, Springer, 2010

U. Lorenz, A. Martin, J. Wolf - Polyhedral and Algorithmic Properties of Quantified Linear Programs, Proceeding ESA 2010, Springer, 2010, 512-523, Liverpool



R. Elsässer, U. Lorenz, T. Sauerwald - On Randomized Broadcasting in Star Graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics (DAM) 157 (1), 2009: 126-139

S. Grothklags, U. Lorenz, B. Monien - From State-of-the-Art Static Fleet Assignment to Flexible Stochastic Planning of the Future, Algorithmics of Large and Complex Networks, 2009, 140-165



M. Platzner, S. Döhre, M. Happe, T. Kenter, U. Lorenz, T. Schumacher, A. Send, A. Warkentin - The GOmputer: Accelerating GO with FPGAs, Proceeding ERSA 2008, Springer, 2008, 35-45

K. Himstedt, U. Lorenz, D. Moeller -  A Twofold Distributed Game -Tree Search Approach U sing Interconnected Clusters, Proceeding Euro-Par 2008, Springer, 2008, 587-598

B. Monien, U. Lorenz, D. Warner - Der Alphabeta-Algorithmus für Spielbäume: Wie bringe ich meinen Computer zum Schachspielen?, Taschenbuch der Algorithmen (eds. B. Vöcking, H. Alt, M. Dietzfelbinger, R. Reischuk, C. Scheideler, H. Vollmer, D. Wagner), Springer, 2008, 285-294

A. Berger, R. Hoffmann, U. Lorenz, S. Stiller - TOPSU - RDM a simulation platform for online railway delay management, Simutools '08: Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Simulation tools and techniques for communications, networks and systems & work shops, ICST (Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering), 2008, 1-8, Marseille


R. Elsässer, U. Lorenz, T. Sauerwald - Agent-based randomized broadcasting in large networks, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 155 (2), (2007) 150-160

S. Grothklags, U. Lorenz, J. Wesemann - A Stochastic Lot-sizing and Scheduling Model, Operations Research Proceedings, Vol. 2006, Karlsruhe, Springer 2007: 491-496



U. Lorenz - A new Implementation of Error Analysis in Game Trees, International Computer Games Association (ICGA) Journal, Vol. 19, No. 2, 2006

B. Doerr, U. Lorenz - Error-Propagation in Game Trees, Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 63, 2006
C. Donninger, U. Lorenz - Innovative Opening-Book Handling, Proc. of Advances in Computer Games (ACG) 11, Taipei, Taiwan, Springer LNCS 4250, 2006
U. Lorenz, T. Tscheuschner - Player-Modeling, Search Algorithms and Strategies in Multi Player Games, Proc. of Advances in Computer Games (ACG) 11, Taipei, Taiwan, Springer LNCS 4250, 2006
U. Lorenz - Grundlagen und Einsatzgebiete intelligenter Vorausschau (Habilitationsschrift (Zusammenfassung PDF))
U. Lorenz - Check Mate with Chips, The Renaissance of FPGA-Based  High-Performance Computing Friday-workshop on DATE’06
S. Grothklags, U. Lorenz - On the computational complexity of multi-stage decision making under uncertainty for aircraft scheduling, Operations Research 2006, Karlsruhe, 2006
U. Lorenz - Neue Wege bei der Reihenfolgen- und Losgrößenoptimierung unter Unsicherheit, 28. Symposium des Arbeitskreises Mathematik in Forschung und Praxis in Verbindung mit der GOR-Arbeitsgruppe Praxis der mathematischen Optimierung, 2006
U. Lorenz, S. Grothklags - Stochastic Airline Fleet Assignment is PSPACE-complete, CTW 2006, Pfalzakademie Lambrecht, 2006
U. Lorenz - Check Mate with Chips - The Renaissance of FPGA-Based High-Performance Computing, Friday-workshop on DATE´06 invited talk
C. Donninger, U. Lorenz - The Hydra Project, XCell Online Journal, Second Quarter 2005
C. Donninger, U. Lorenz - The Hydra Project, XilinX Journal (selected paper), Issue 53, 2005
J. Ehrhoff, S. Grothklags, U. Lorenz - Parallelism for Perturbation Management, Proc. of 11th International Euro-Par Conference, 2005, LisbonPortugal, LNCS 3648, pp. 1265-1274
J. Ehrhoff, S. Grohtklags, U. Lorenz - Disruption Management and Planning with Uncertainties in Airkraft Planning,  In Algorthms with Incomplete Information, 2005. S.Albers, R.H. Möhring, G. Ch. Pflug, R. Schultz (eds), Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum (IBFI), Schloss Dragstuhl, Germany
Stochastic Fleet Assignment and Disrution Management for Airline Planning - GOR Arbeitsgruppe Projektmanagement und Scheduling, Bonn 2005
U. Lorenz - Die letzte Runde im Mensch-Maschine Schachwettkampf hat begonnen - Künstliche Intelligenz ist, was wir als solche anerkennen, Workshop Spiele-Programmierung, on invitation of Prof. Dr. Althöfer, Jena 2005
J. Ehrhoff, S. Grothklags, U. Lorenz - Das Reparaturspiel als Formalisierung von Planung unter Zufallseinflüssen, angewendet in der Flugplanung, Supply Chain Management und Logistik, Physica Verlag, pp. 337-358, 2005
U. Lorenz, B. Monien - Error Analysis in Minimax Trees, Journal of Theoretical Computer Science (TCS) 313, 2004, Elsevier, pp. 485-498
C. Donninger, U. Lorenz - The Chess Monster Hydra, Proc. of 14th International Conference on Field-Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL), 2004, Antwerpen – Belgium, LNCS 3203, pp. 927 – 932, eds. J. Becker, M. Platzner, S. Vernalde
R. Elsässer, U. Lorenz, T. Sauerwald - Agent-Based Information Handling in Large Networks, Proc. of the 29th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS), 2004, Prag, LNCS 3153, pp. 586-598
U. Lorenz - Beyond Optimal Play in Two-person-Zerosum Games, Proc. of the 12th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA), 2004, Bergen – Norway, LNCS 3221, pp. 749 – 759, eds. S. Albers and T. Radzik
C. Donninger, A. Kure,  U. Lorenz - Parallel Brutus: The First Distributed, FPGA Accelerated Chess Program, Proc. of 18th International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), 2004, Santa Fe – NM USA, IEEE Computer Society
J. Ehrhoff, S. Grothklags, U. Lorenz, T. Sauerwald - The Repair-Game: Disruption Management and Robust Planning in Aircraft Scheduling with the Help of Game Tree Search, Lufthansa Systems. NetLine Forum 2004, Potsdam - Germany invited talk
J. Ehrhoff, S. Grothklags, U. Lorenz, T. Sauerwald - The Repair-Game: Disruption Management and Robust Planning in Aircraft Scheduling with the Help of Game Tree Search Lufthansa Systems, NetLine Forum 2004, PotsdamGermany
S. Grothklags, U. Lorenz, T. Sauerwald - Experiments with the Repair Game, Aviation Application Cluster at Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS), 2004, Denver – CO USA
S. Grothklags, U. Lorenz, T. Sauerwald - Experiments with the Repair Game, Aviation Application Cluster at Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS), 2004, Denver CO USA
J. Ehrhoff, S. Grothklags, J. Halbsgut, U. Lorenz, T. Sauerwald - The Repair Game: Robust Plans and Disturbation Management in Aircraft Scheduling by the Help of Game Tree Search, 43rd Annual Symposium of the Airline Group of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (AGIFORS), 2003, Paris, France
U. Lorenz, B. Monien - The Secret of Selective Game Tree Search, when Using Random-Error Evaluations, Proc. of 19th Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS), 2002, AntibesJuan les Pins, France, LNCS 2285, pp. 203-124, eds. H. Alt and A. Ferreira
U. Lorenz - Parallel Controlled Conspiracy Number Search, Proc. of the 8th International Euro-Par Conference (Euro-Par), 2002, Paderborn. Germany, LNCS 2400, pp. 420-431, eds. B. Monien and R. Feldman
U. Lorenz - Controlled Conspiracy Number Search, Dissertation (in German), 2001, Universität Paderborn
U. Lorenz - Parallel Controlled Conspiracy Number Search, Proc. of the 13th Annual ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA), 2001, CreteGreece, pp. 320-321
U. Lorenz - Controlled Conspiracy-2 Search, Proc. of the 17th Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS), 2000, Lille-France, LNCS 1770, pp. 446-478, eds. Reichel and Tison
U. Lorenz, V. Rottmann - Parallel Controlled Conspiracy Number Search, Proc. Advances in Computer Chess (ACC) 8, 1997, Maastricht, Netherlands, pp. 129-152, eds. J. van den Herik and J.W.H.M. Uiterwijk
U. Lorenz, V. Rottmann - Controlled Conspiracy Number Search, International Computer Chess Association (ICCA) Journal, Vol. 18, No. 3, 1995, pp 135-147



I. Althöfer, C. Donninger, U. Lorenz, V. Rottmann - On Timing, Permanent Brain and Human Intervention, Proc. Advances in Computer Chess (ACC) 7, ed. J. van den Herik



L. Altherr, T. Ederer, U. Lorenz, P.F. Pelz, P. Pöttgen - Experimental Validation of an Enhanced System Synthesis Approach
T. Ederer, U. Lorenz, T. Opfer - Quantified Combinatorial Optimization
U. Lorenz, Th. Opfer, J. Wolf - Solution Techniques for Quantified Linear Programs and the links to Gaming
T. Ederer, U. Lorenz, T. Opfer, J. Wolf - An algorithmic framework for 0/1-QIP solvers
J. Avemann, T. Ederer, P. Groche, U. Lorenz, S. O. Schmitt, - Assessment of Flexibility in Forming Technology in an Uncertain Sales Market Framework
Stochastic Fleet Assignment and Disruption Management for Airline Planning - 75. GOR Arbeitsgruppe, Praxis der Mathematischen Optimierung "Optimization Under Uncertainty", Physikzentrum, Bad Honnef

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Universität Siegen

Lehrstuhl für Betriebswirtschaftslehre insb. Technologiemanagement

Prof. Dr. Ulf Lorenz

Unteres Schloß 3
Universität Siegen
57072 Siegen

© Universitätsbibliothek Siegen