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Claudius Engeling

Claudius EngelingPosition:
Project Coordinator: Global School Partnership on the "Good Life for All"
Address: Kohlbettstraße 17
 57072 Siegen
US-G 101
Telephone: +49 (0) 271 740 2223


Consultation hours

  • By appointment


Claudius Engeling holds B.A.'s in Anthropology, International Affairs, Economics, Psychology, and Cultural Studies. He completed an M.A. in South Asian Studies at SOAS (London) and JNU (Delhi). His interest is in underlying ontologies of global environmental justice debates, engaging with science and technology studies and decolonial thought. He coordinates the chair's global school partnership project to jointly develop teaching materials about the imperial mode of living and solidarity-based alternatives with project associates from Croatia, Germany, Slovenia, and Tanzania.



  • Since 2021 - Project Coordinator: Global School Partnership on the "Good Life for All"

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