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StR Dr. Marco Rehm

marco rehmOffice:
US - G 209

(due to my job as a teacher, I am pysically present in the office only on Wednesdays and Thursdays.)
E-Mail: marco.rehm@uni-siegen.de
 Phone: +49 (271) 740 - 2288
 Fax: +49 (271) 7401 - 4775

Consultation hour

Please contact me via e-mail to fix an appointment.

If you have questions about the online business simulation:

Send an e-mail to marco.rehm@uni-siegen.de or take part in the business game tutorial (zoom-meeting at 16 o'clock).

Current teaching

  • 3GOLDS007V Didactic analyses: market and competition; social policy; world trade and globalization.
  • 3GOLDS303V Didactic of economics, master seminar for LA BK, Gym/Ge und HRGe
  • 3GOLDS001V Principles of didactis of economics I (Summer Term)
  • 3SCHUH200V Online business simulation

Research interests

  • developing didactics of economics:
    • Implementation research on curriculum reforms
    • Project-oriented work in economic education
    • Business games, simulations and digital game
    • Economics teaching research with heterogeneous learning groups
    • Informal learning
  • Desiging and evaluating action-oriented learning environments:
    • Teaching social market economy, development of teaching materials

curriculum vitae

Download PDF file


German Society for Economic Education, working group on teacher training




List of publications

Download PDF file 

ECOS project

The ecos (Economic Competencies Study) study conducted by the Centre for Economic Education in Siegen (ZöBiS) aims to identify and empirically test the conditions, categories and contents for the construct "economic competence" in pupils aged 15-16 www.ecos-test.de
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