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Consumer Competence of ChildrenNot only adults but also children have become more materialistic in recent years. However, children have not always been considered consumers. Even in the middle of the 20th century they were still only seen as an influencing factor on their parents with regard to consumption. Resulting from the rising significance of media, especially television, this has changed over time.
Interactive Electronic TextbookThe center for economic education at the University of Siegen developed the prototype of an interactive, electronic textbook on types of markets forms. The app links the teacher’s and the students’ tablets. Thereby the mobile devices can interact with each other. The app is available for the most used operating systems.
ECOSFramework of Measuring Economic CompetenciesLink
FILSVarious studies deal with the assessment of financial literacy. However, it is not always obvious whether actual competencies are assessed or if it is rather a measurement of knowledge or attitudes. Furthermore, it is questionable if the construct that is supposed to be assessed is valid. Using the Financial Literacy Study as an example, the following article describes how the underlying theoretical construct can be validated. The validation is based on the measurement of financial literacy through Rasch-modelled values, which are verified by means of structural equation models.Link
The MTED study investigate the influence of interactive exercises in economics lectures on students' learning processes.Link




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