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Internships abroad - External organisations

On the website of International Student Affairs you will find general information on internships abroad and ERASMUS scholarships for self-organized internships. In addition, we have listed some offers from external organizations:

  General information as well as useful tips and advice on internships abroad can be found on the DAAD website.
  auslandlust.de is a platform for all, which would like to abroad professional out and further training.
  Special information about internships in England, as well as a targeted placement of internships can be found on the website of placement-uk.
  USA-Interns is a German-American platform for the placement of internships in the USA. The platform is supported by the US Consulate in Frankfurt.
  COINED is a non-profit organization that organizes intercultural programs and promotes international education with a focus on the Spanish-speaking world.
  ONECO is dedicated to the education and training of young people by organizing national and international projects in the field of European programs.


  Ayusa-Intrax is an organization for the promotion of international cultural and educational exchange. Internships are offered in the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and England. Visa service is provided for self-discovered internships in the USA.
  Internships with a focus on Argentina can be found via NICE (Network of Intercultural Exchange).


  Inter Exchange arranges internships in the USA.
  CICD arranges internships in the USA.
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  Stepin arranges internships all over the world.



Advice and experience reports on internships in other countries and other topics can be found at Auslandspraktikum-Ratgeber.

  An informative website with tips and tricks about Work & Travel worldwide


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