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Universität Siegen

Lehrstuhl für Betriebswirtschaftslehre insb. Technologiemanagement

Prof. Dr. Ulf Lorenz

Unteres Schloß 3
Universität Siegen
57072 Siegen

© Universitätsbibliothek Siegen

TOR: Technical Operations Research


If you ask three different system designers to fulfill a certain process function (fluid delivery, cooling, heating, etc.) the resulting three systems will most probably differ in topology, controlling and, especially, in energy consumption and manufacturing costs. This shows that the planned systems cannot be optimal regarding these target figures. Moreover, it is not possible to absolutely quantify the quality of the proposed solutions.

It is the aim of Technical Operations Research to establish quantitative methods for the synthesis of technical systems in engineering sciences. Mathematical optimization is well known in economics under the name of Operations Research (OR). OR-methods have been successfully employed for the optimization of business processes, e.g. logistics. In order to achieve this aim, we follow two approaches: Firstly, we strive to apply mixed integer linear programming to the optimization of technical systems. Secondly, we facilitate the application of this tool by providing engineers with a methodical procedure. The pyramid in Fig. 2 illustrates this approach.

TOR Pyramide

TOR Pyramide


Our group focuses on optimization problems in mechanical engineering, especially regarding system design in fluid system technologies and mechatronical systems. We pursue a holistic approach comprising basic algorithmic and mathematical research, as well as industry-oriented research and services to the industry. The ideas of TOR (Technical Operations Research), a research area originally developed at TU Darmstadt and now at Uni Siegen as well, can be illustrated with the help of a small example: The optimal design of a booster station is a typical problem we address.

Technical Operations Research however covers much more than using mathematical modeling and solution algorithms in order to optimize technical systems. It is of high importance to also support engineers in employing these tools and to address the essential communication between the involved academic disciplines. Another important subject is the evaluation of new technologies. Therefore, technology management is playing a major role in Technical Operations Research.

Being an interdisciplinary science, Technical Operations Research bridges the gap between mechanical engineering, computer science, mathematics and business studies.

In this research field, we closely cooperate with the Institute of Fluid Systems in Darmstadt.

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Universität Siegen

Lehrstuhl für Betriebswirtschaftslehre insb. Technologiemanagement

Prof. Dr. Ulf Lorenz

Unteres Schloß 3
Universität Siegen
57072 Siegen

© Universitätsbibliothek Siegen